To begin the session:
Download, copy, and distribute the “As Good As New” reproducible page. Download it here.
Allow the class to work in pairs or small groups to match each old item with a trick for making it look new again. Answers: 1=d, 2=g, 3=c, 4=h, 5=a, 6=f, 7=e, 8=b.
Say: “What are some other things we have that need to be made like new? What are some things that aren’t physical that we would like to be as good as new? (For example: health, relationships, etc.) After the exile, the people of Israel wanted their relationship with God to be made brand new. Let’s see what God said about that.”
To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:
Make copies of the lesson text for every class member. Distribute them along with pens. Ask them to do the following.
- Circle the words, “I will,” every time they appear in the text.
- Underline every phrase describing what God promised to do.
- Draw a box around the words, “you will,” every time they appear in the text.
- Draw an arrow from each box to the phrase describing how the people of Israel were to react to God’s actions.
Discuss this Scripture-marking exercise by asking how the sign of a renewed people differs from the sign of circumcision and Sabbath observance. Note that the latter deal with the people recognizing the relationship God had with Israel. The sign of a new heart is an act of renewal totally performed by God. Point out the many times God said, “I will” compared to the much fewer number of mentions of “you will.”
Say, “God’s renewal of broken people is unique among God’s covenant signs. In making us new, God testifies to the world that he alone is holy, that he loves his people and wants them to be whole, and that he wants his people to recognize their sin and need for him. How can we best display that we have this sign of a new heart?”