Grace for the Grave
For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! (Romans 5:15).
Scripture: Romans 5:12-19
Song: “Amazing Grace”
A local cemetery isn’t on my list of favorite places to visit, but the deaths of my parents in the last two years summoned me there. I walked among row after row of marble slabs, standing as silent reminders about every human being—that though we live, we will one day die.
I read dates and names on those headstones, but no cause of death. What brought the end of life to these people? I thought of disease, accidents, war, murder, and suicide. But in Romans, Paul gives the real cause for death: Adam’s sin.
Just one taste of forbidden fruit back in Eden ushered in the fall of humanity and with it, death in all its horrid forms. This news would be bleak indeed if Paul stopped there, but he doesn’t: We have the gift of grace in the Second Adam. It stands as a reminder about every believer—that though we die, we will one day live. Thank God, the grave isn’t the end of the road for those who embrace the grace of Christ!
Father, thank You for the gift of Your Son, who conquered sin and the grave so we can live forever with You. In His name, amen.