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January 3, 2021: Called to Proclaim (Luke 4:14-22a)

To begin the session:

Distribute copies of the “Minute Match” exercise from the activity page, which you can download here. (Remember to text or e-mail the exercise pages to your remote learners.) Allow no more than one minute for the matching part; how much time to allow for the compare part is at your discretion.

To encourage personal application:

Extend the above activity by distributing copies of the “My Mission” prayer-writing exercise on the activity page. Use this to close the class or as a take-home.

Note: Whenever you distribute copies of anything, use hard-copy (paper) handouts for those physically present and e-copies for those joining online via Zoom, etc.

Tip: For a tutorial on how to use Zoom breakouts, go here. For many other Zoom tutorials, see here. A key to using Zoom effectively without fumbling is to practice ahead of time!

David C Cook Editorial

Author David C Cook Editorial

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