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December 19

By December 19, 2018365 Devotions


For with God nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37, KJV).

Scripture: Luke 1:32-38

Song: “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”

A graduate student came to my office disappointed and downcast. After trying for weeks to find a job he was empty handed. Jobs in his desired field and location were very hard to find. He was not a believer, but I suggested that we pray and surprisingly he readily consented. First, I asked him questions about what he thought an ideal job would look like. He described the work he desired, location, travel, salary, and so on. I then prayed for exactly what he described—all the time thinking, if You answer this even I will be amazed. Two weeks later he burst into my office waving a job offer that was exactly what we prayed for! “This is impossible,” he exclaimed!

Mary’s response to the angel was, “How shall this be . . . ?” She knew enough about ordinary life to realize that this situation was more than unique, it was impossible. But, the angel described how the Holy Spirit would accomplish the impossible and the Son of God would be born to her.

When God says in His Word that nothing is impossible for Him, it is clear He means it. Our God has done what people thought would be impossible; He continues to do what people think is impossible. We should never under-estimate what God can do!

All wise and loving God, help us look at our impossibilities from Your perspective not from ours. In the name of our Savior who has already done the impossible for our redemption, amen.


Jim Eichenberger

Author Jim Eichenberger

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