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December 28

By December 28, 2018365 Devotions

Eclipse Preparations

At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them (Matthew 25:1-3).

Scripture: Matthew 25:1-13

Song: “How Great Thou Art”

The solar eclipse was just a week away. Eclipse fever gripped everyone who was close to the “path of totality.” Experts warned we needed special glasses for safety, but we put off looking for the glasses, until it was too late. On the Internet we saw more warnings and alternative ways to safely view the eclipse. Suggestions included homemade pinhole cameras, or viewing the eclipse shadow through small openings, such as between leaves. Eclipse day arrived, and we tried the alternatives, but we only saw the eclipse indirectly. We didn’t experience the real thing until some prepared neighbors shared their glasses with us.

This parable focuses on the essential preparation for Jesus’ return: faith in His death on the cross for our sins. Though we don’t know when Jesus will come, the glory of His return will eclipse every other celestial event ever. There will be no small “path of totality” either. Everyone on earth will see His return, but only those with faith in Christ will join with Him and participate fully. At that time no one will be able to borrow faith as we borrowed glasses for the eclipse.

Heavenly Father, help us be prepared with true faith in our hearts, so we may participate with joy in the glorious return of Jesus. In His name I pray, amen.


Jim Eichenberger

Author Jim Eichenberger

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