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December 30: Love God and Serve Others (Matthew 25:31-46)

By December 25, 2018Teacher Tips

To begin the session:

Before class, collect several fundraising letters and/or emails that you have received. Discuss which of these appeals you would be most likely to answer with a donation. Discuss motives people have for charitable giving.

Lead into Bible study by saying, “People may give out of a sense of obligation, for recognition, or because of a perceived benefit to themselves or loved ones. But Jesus spoke of a very different reason to give.”

To encourage personal application:

Download the “To the Lord” activity here. End class by distributing a copy of the activity to each class member. Encourage them to choose a verse or two as a reminder that we are encouraged to see our interaction with others as interactions with Jesus himself. Briefly discuss how that perspective can shape our attitude toward giving.

Jim Eichenberger

Author Jim Eichenberger

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