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February 11, 2018: A Disciplined Faith (James 3:1-12)

By February 6, 2018Teacher Tips

To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:

Download the “Life in 3D” worksheet here. Make copies for every class member.

Distribute copies of the worksheet, making sure each student has a pen and a Bible. As a class, work through the outline of the Scripture text found there, having class members match the Scripture passages to the points on the outline.

Answers are: I-a=6, I-b=2, I-c=8, II-a=5, II-b=3, II-c=7, III-a=1, III-b=4


To encourage personal application:

Close the class with a guided prayer. You will read James 3:17 aloud. This verse is not in our text for the day, but summarizes its instructions. As you read, you will pause at each attribute of heavenly wisdom and prompt the class to respond in silent prayer to that attribute. Note that prayer prompts are in bracket and the words of James are in italics.

The result should be something like this:

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure;

[Consider times your speech has been impure, and confess that to God now.]

then peace-loving,

[Think of how you can use your words to bring peace to a situation you face, and promise God that you will do so.]


[Ask God to keep you from speaking without considering the feelings of others.]


[Repent of a specific instance of self-centered speech.]

full of mercy and good fruit,

[Pledge to look for opportunities to forgive rather than to blame.]

impartial and sincere.

Then close by praying aloud, “This is our sincere prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.”

Jim Eichenberger

Author Jim Eichenberger

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