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In the World—March 18, 2018

Download In the World for March 18 here.


“The Economy Is Looking Awfully Strong” was a New York Times headline when the government’s February “jobs report” came out recently. The national workforce increased by 313,000 in February, and this year’s average job growth is nearly 100,000 over the monthly growth in all of 2017. The percentage of Americans in their prime working years (25-54) is at a ten-year high. So celebration seems to be in order, but we all know that economic trends such as this one will eventually reverse themselves, sometimes bringing great hardship to those who lose their jobs.


As King Solomon dedicated the temple altar, the nation joined with him in thanksgiving, a celebration which had a more stable source than the ebb-and-flow-prone indicators of a nation’s economy. The Israelites thanked God for their national prosperity that had enabled Solomon to build the magnificent temple, but there was more to it than that. They thanked God not just for “being good,” but because “his love endures forever.”

  1. How should Christians react to news of the fluctuations in the nation’s economy? Why?
  2. Is it proper to thank God when economic indicators are positive? Should we blame him when they are bad? Why or why not?
  3. How do sacrifice and thanksgiving tie together for Christians?
  4. What sacrifices are a part of your relationship with God?
  5. What does it mean to you personally that God’s “love endures forever?”

—Charles R. Boatman

Copyright © 2018 by Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family. All rights reserved.

Each download is for the use of one church only.

Jim Eichenberger

Author Jim Eichenberger

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