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September 18

By September 18, 2018365 Devotions

Fulfilling Our Marital Duty

The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband (1 Corinthians 7:3).

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:1-7, 32-35

Song: “You’ve Got Me”

In an episode of “Everybody Loves Raymond,” there is a scene in the Romano house at night where Ray is sitting in bed next to Debra. She’s lying down facing the camera, with her back to Ray, about to fall asleep. Ray reaches over and gently touches her exposed shoulder. Eyes closed, Debra simply says, “No.” He withdraws his hand, but gently touches her again.

“No,” comes the deadpan response.

Then, with his brow wrinkled as if conducting an experiment, Ray reaches his hand over his wife’s shoulder without touching her.

“No,” comes the response—again with her eyes closed. Then, in response to three quick passes through the air over her shoulder, Debra says “No, No, No,” each in precise timing with the passes. The scene ends as Ray reaches his hand far above her and, without touching her, swoops it down over her in what looks like an airplane pass. In a pitch that matches the height of the hand she cannot see, Debra responds, “Nooooo.”
In light of the temptation faced by husbands and wives for their eyes and hearts to roam and seek sexual satisfaction elsewhere, they are instructed to say “Yes” to one another and, therefore, satisfy each other sexually. The “No” can be reserved for the temptation of adultery, and thereby significantly weaken its power.

Merciful God, thank You for the gift of sexual relations in marriage, which serves as a dam against many sexual temptations. Through Christ I pray, amen.

Jim Eichenberger

Author Jim Eichenberger

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