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In the World–April 5, 2020

By March 30, 2020April 6th, 2020"In the World"

Download “In the World” for April 5, 2020 here.


Last month, a school district in Batesville, Indiana, received a grant to provide strobe lights to attach to the backpacks of students waiting for school buses. The initiative was born in 2018, after three students in another town were struck and killed by a bus because the driver did not see them. “We don’t know the situation,” a Batesville safety authority said of the bus driver. “But if an extra $1.80 light could have caught the corner of her eye, there might be three kids alive.” Lights flashing in the darkness are protecting precious lives in Batesville today.


The Lord told Isaiah that He would raise up His servant and put His Spirit upon Him. This servant was Jesus Christ, who was still yet to come. Isaiah received the prophecy that this servant would be a light to the nations and would open the eyes of the blind. The servant of God purchased lives for God across all time and all humanity. He still opens eyes today.

  1. What new technology could be developed to help save lives?
  2. In what way has Jesus opened your eyes or ended your blindness?
  3. Do you know someone who still walks in darkness and needs to see this great light? If so, how could you help shine the light of Christ to that person?

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Copyright © 2019 by Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family.
All rights reserved. Each download is for the use of one church only.

David C Cook Editorial

Author David C Cook Editorial

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