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In the World–August 25, 2019

Download “In the World” for August 25, 2019 here.


As young parents on a mission trip to Mexico, Jeane and Paul Briggs, of West Virginia, encountered a blind orphan boy whose story tugged at their hearts. They adopted him and have been adopting girls and boys ever since. For each child, “We’d hear of a child, pray about it and then felt like we should bring him home.” Their family now includes 32 previously orphaned children from various countries. The couple opened their lives and their home in radical, sacrificial love to so many children in need.


Our passage today has often been misread and sometimes abused to force wives to submit to their husbands, no questions asked. But Paul is saying that all Christians are to love and submit to one another (Ephesians 5:21)—husbands and wives, wives and husbands, and everyone else—in the same way Christ loved us. His way is never to force someone to submit to Him. His way is to give Himself wholly and sacrificially to even His enemies, and certainly His children, in love.

  1. How does the adoption of orphans reflect Christ’s sacrificial love?
  2. What view of this passage does your church or congregation have?
  3. Why should marriage be a covenant of mutual love?

Additional Resources

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Copyright © 2019 by Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family.
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David C Cook Editorial

Author David C Cook Editorial

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