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In the World–December 22, 2019

Download “In the World” for December 22, 2019 here.


On October 18, NASA astronauts Jessica Meir and Christina Koch performed the first-ever all-woman spacewalk. The pair went outside the International Space Station to replace a faulty battery, and in the process made history. “For us it’s just coming out here and doing our job today,” Meir said during the spacewalk. “At the same time, we recognize that it is a historic achievement.”


In our passage today, we look at Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John the Baptist, and Mary, who was pregnant with the Son of God. These women were handpicked by God to bear two of the most important baby boys ever born. John readied Israel for the Messiah and Jesus atoned for humanity and opened the way for eternal relationship with God. Through the women’s shared task—to bear and raise their sons—they helped change the course not only of history but of eternity.

  1. Who are some heroines in your life and throughout history, and why do you admire them?
  2. What benefits do you see resulting from women taking on tasks that were historically men’s work?
  3. What qualities and character attributes can you detect about Elizabeth and Mary from today’s passage?

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David C Cook Editorial

Author David C Cook Editorial

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