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In the World–January 5, 2020

By December 30, 2019January 6th, 2020"In the World"

Download “In the World” for January 5, 2020 here.


This past October, wildfires raged in the California Wine Country, threatening the dream wedding of a couple who had planned the event for over a year. With firefighting vehicles all around, the fire marshal ordering evacuations of the area, and the air quality dropping by the minute, the couple refused to change venues, and the nuptials went on as scheduled. The wedding photographer posted to social media a photo of the couple in their wedding attire—with the addition of surgical masks—standing in a vineyard backlit by a smoky sunset. The photo went viral and their “unforgettable” wedding became just that.


King Solomon contemplated and executed a change of venue in an event long-planned, as well. He’d made thorough preparations to transition the ark of the covenant from its temporary home in the tabernacle to what he hoped would be its permanent home in the temple. When the transition had been accomplished, a smoky cloud of the glory of God filled the temple, and the king knew God was pleased.

  1. Have you ever been forced to evacuate for any reason, and what were your emotions?
  2. Would you say you have ever encountered an overwhelming sense of the presence or glory of God? If so, what was it like?
  3. In what ways does this Old Testament event foreshadow the coming of Christianity?

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Copyright © 2019 by Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family.
All rights reserved. Each download is for the use of one church only.


David C Cook Editorial

Author David C Cook Editorial

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