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In the World–November 22, 2020

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Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson recently listed his motives for doing his very best to lead his team. His top motivation, he said, was his Christian faith, “because God’s given me this opportunity.” At least one sports writer comments that Wilson makes his faith “evident nearly every time he speaks publicly.” His second motive is his family. “I want my kids one day to see that Dad was able to do everything he could to leave it on the line for the family,” Wilson said. He also likes winning and wants to be the best in the game. Good motives result in a good example to emulate.


In the early days of the Church, one couple tried to counterfeit their devotion to God, but they were found out. Ananias and Sapphira, a married couple, sold a piece of land and falsely told the Apostles that they had donated the entire purchase price to the Church. Had they simply explained that they had kept part of the proceeds for other purposes but were donating the rest, the act might’ve been pure. But by giving part yet saying they had given all, perhaps to gain more glory, they revealed their sinful motives, and God held them accountable.

  1. On Thanksgiving, we express gratitude for our blessings. How can motives—good or bad—play a part in our speech and behavior during a holiday season?
  2. Where might someone’s motives become obvious in how they play a game or perform any task?
  3. Why do you think God dealt so severely with Ananias and Sapphira?

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David C Cook Editorial

Author David C Cook Editorial

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