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March 25: Keep My Statutes and Ordinances (2 Chronicles 7:12-22)

By March 20, 2018Teacher Tips

Download the “Successful Calling” activity here. Make a copy for each class member. As class members arrive, distribute the worksheets and have them work on it. After everyone has arrived and have had a few minutes to work on the puzzle, ask class members to give their answers.

The correct responses are: a=drive, b=self-reliance, c=willpower, d=patience, e=integrity, f=passion, g=connection, h=optimism, i=self-confidence, j=communication, k=fun, l=focus, m=innovation, n=self-improvement, o=persistence.

Lead into Bible study by saying: “Much has been written about living successful lives. But what lifestyle really gives us the best chance of enjoying prosperity and avoiding catastrophe? God answered that very question during the reign of King Solomon.”

To encourage personal application:

Say, “We learn from our mistakes. We also learn from our successes! Tell about some instances in which you did the right thing—even though it was difficult—and were blessed by doing so. Tell about some instances in which you did the wrong thing and suffered the consequences.”

Before class, purchase enough mini-notebooks such as these, so each class member can have one. Distribute them and encourage class members to use them to keep a journal during the coming week.  In these journals, they should record times of blessing and discipline from the Lord, along with lessons learned from these experiences.

Jim Eichenberger

Author Jim Eichenberger

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