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Birthday Cards

We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us (Romans 12:6).

Scripture: Romans 12:1-8

Song: “The Gifts of the Holy Spirit”

The silver-haired woman lays out her birthday cards and copies old hymns and then writes a special message in each card. She does this for everyone in the church. And yes, if you move away, she still sends you a specially crafted birthday card. I look forward to mine every year, even though we moved away eight years ago! She has the gift of exhortation, or commonly known as encouragement. She has embraced her gift and served well with it.

God designed each of us specifically for a purpose and has equipped us with spiritual gifts to fulfill a specific purpose in His body, the church. Each of us has a part that God has ordained for us (1 Corinthians 12:12, 18). It is important that we recognize and do our part. Whether you are gifted with encouragement, teaching, prophecy, serving, or one of the many other gifts you will be blessed, and also bless others by using the gifts God has given you. So it comes down to a choice we make. We can choose to leave those gifts dormant and leave so much potential untouched. Or we can embrace the gifts given us and build up the body of Christ.

Choose to build.

Dear Lord, thank You for the spiritual gifts You have given me. Help me to recognize them and to embrace them so I take my part in the body and bless others. In Your name, amen.

David C Cook Editorial

Author David C Cook Editorial

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