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October 27, 2024: Trust in God Alone (Psalm 62)

To begin the session:

Distribute copies of the “Weighty Matters” exercise from the activity page, which you can download here. Have learners work individually for one minute to complete as indicated.

After the activity, say, “It’s easy to compare objects at extreme ends of the scale and know which will be weightier. In the same way, when we compare God to anything or anyone else we might trust, it is easy to see that he is the only true option. As we study today’s lesson, pay attention to the ways David describes God, and how these truths prompt him to respond to  everything else.”

To engage the learners in a study of the Scripture text:

Distribute copies of the “Sing Psalm 62” exercise from the activity page. Have learners work in pairs or small groups to complete as indicated. Allow time for groups to share with the whole class one example they found.

David C Cook Editorial

Author David C Cook Editorial

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